What part of town was this? The reason I ask is that I've encountered this kind of cop in Austin on more than one occasion, but only in a couple of specific areas, and they were far from the "bad parts" of town.
My experiences were mainly around the 2222/Burnet area, as well as once near 183 and 620.
The ones near Burnet/2222 were ordinary traffic stops with very aggressive and confrontational cops, very much "parent" mode type of interactions - loud voices (bordering on yelling), lecturing, condescending tones.
The one up north very much flabbergasted me. I had lived in that area for a couple of years at that point, and never been pulled over there. We (my roommate and I) picked up a friend from the airport and proceeded home. We stopped at a gas station near our house to get something to drink and immediately have a cop car pull in behind us. No PC, nothing wrong with the car, they just decided to stop and start questioning us - requested ID, asking what we were doing, where we're going, why I carry a "boo-ya knife" (Those were his exact words. It was a regular Gerber folder clipped in my front right pocket, for the record.), etc. The gas station owner came out and started yelling at the cops to stop harassing his customers, and they skedaddled. I was confused as to why this even occurred, until the friend (from the west coast) pointed out something - he's black. I was skeptical at first, but really, his presence was the only variable from what we ordinarily did in our own neighborhood.
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- by NcongruNt
- Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:02 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: Pulled over ... while walking
- Replies: 82
- Views: 14324
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