The underlined text was specifically added to the bill's modification of the existing code. I claim no secret sources that know, but I'm having a hard time seeing how on earth DPS could get around that in order to create a grace period for renewals. I mean, how much clearer could legislative intent be made? The underlined text simply did not exist but was written and inserted and debated and voted on and recorded as law. If they meant something other than "on or before the date the license expires", one could imagine a few different words they might have used.From HB 48:
Sec. 411.185. LICENSE RENEWAL PROCEDURE. (a) To renew a license, a license holder must, on or before the date the license expires, submit to the department by mail or...
Or gosh, maybe just not have gone to the effort to add those new words to the law?
But, I am not a lawyer, a legislator, nor do I know the secret handshake that would allow me to be 100% certain that the words specifically inserted into the law don't actually mean what they say.