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by MamaK
Sat May 04, 2013 10:07 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: FAST form question
Replies: 3
Views: 1512

Re: FAST form question

rbagrizzly wrote:On the fast form in section one it ask for chl application i.d. I have not seen anything on my paper work that says it is the app. i.d. this the number under the bar code on the check list sheet? Thanks for anyones help.
I apologize that this is a little old but I wanted to answer this question in case anyone else was wondering (I am a fingerprint technician,and I want the process to be pleasant and understandable to you)

The only thing that you need to fill out is your name, your signature and date. Bring with you a legal photo ID and your social security card (or write in your number in a small space - if you get a tech like me, I will black it out once I have put it into the system. we have three places where we have to use your social security number in the data entry process. Sometimes the information that you enter doesn't update properly into the instead of being from the US, people put 'UN')

If you are retaking your prints, it helps to bring your old form. At the top of your FAST form you will see a space for your "old TCN" - that reflects the first set of prints that you did, that you are having to redo.

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