cb1000rider wrote:Strat9mm wrote:In case anybody hasn't noticed, the people in Afghanistan, Iraq and the rest of the Muslim world for that matter, have NOT relented of their hatred of the West. They kill and rape us anytime they have a chance, when they're not too busy killing each other in the name of their 'peaceful religion'.
Do you actually know any Muslims? I do. None of them have tried to kill me yet. Please remove the ones that I know from your "rest of the Muslim world" list.
We locked up the Japanese Americans during WWII. All the "Japs" wanted to kill us too, remember? Maybe we should have eradicated those civilians?
And if you want to make a case for a civilized and peaceful religion, make sure you review Christianity in the full historical context.
BTW, I agree with a lot of what you're saying otherwise - but when you indicate that almost 1.5 billion people are all out to kill us, I tend to ignore the rest of the context....
Yes, and I also a know of quite a few Muslim sympathizers, many of whom are in positions of Civilian and Military leadership in this country.
They put the welfare of MUSLIMS above the welfare of Americans, including of our war-fighters.
You don't REALLY believe all the problems with the VA taking care of our people, is ONLY because of paperwork, do you?
Perhaps people REALLY believe that the IRS and NSA scandals aren't really scandals and that conservatives were never exclusively targeted, and the NSA isn't bugging all American's just to catch a few terrorists.
Where EXACTLY do you think our traitorous rules of engagement come from? A pack of traitorous, cowardly, obsequious morons bent on APPEASEMENT would be the correct answer.
And we all know what we should do when someone threatens the well-being of an American citizen right? Of course we do, we put our guns down, hand over the money, our women, and then bend over and take it. Yeah, that's about what we're doing now. And it's working out great, isn't it? Have we won the war over there yet? We NEVER will via appeasement policies which favor the ENEMY above our own war-fighters.
Anyone who doesn't see the history of Islam and the results of their religious tenets and recognize it all for what it is, is frankly, deluded.
The time is coming soon when the SURVIVORS of this nation will wish they had done alot more than suck up to these 'people' of this 'peaceful religion' as if they were 'buddies' and it was just the 'radicals' who were the only baddies among them.
You just wait for it.
As for the Japanese, guess what, they were the enemies. Sure, there were some who put America's interests above their own nation's and fought alongside American's. Good for them! But who's to say if the others had NOT been put in interment camps that were would not have been severe and numerous cases of sabotage in the U.S. at the time. So we declare war on a specific population group, and we should let them run around this country free to do as they please? Are you kidding me? Does that really make ANY sense at all? As it was, we interred them, we firebombed their cities, along with the cities of Germany and treated them as they treated their enemies, with no concern for 'collateral damage'. As a result, we not only won the war, we FORCED the survivors of both Japan and Germany to rethink their ways. The entire world can see the results.
Since we don't conduct war in same manner anymore, I fail to see why anyone but the stupid, the blind, and the idiotic would expect the same results we had in WW-II.
After over 10 years of war not a single heart or mind has been won. Because contrary to your misguided beliefs 'sir', you can't win the hearts and minds of the heartless and mindless. And that is exactly what it takes to be muslim.
You don't hear of Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu or Baptist homicide bombers.
You don't hear of Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, or Baptist or Protestant Christians dancing in the streets, MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN, when American CIVILIANS get blown up.
There's only ONE 'religion' (and I use the term loosely) which offers 72 virgins in heaven to debase for their male homicide bombers. The women, get NOTHING. You'd think women's groups around the U.S. would up in arms against Islam, considering that muslim women get treated WORSE then chattel. Now we know whose side these women's groups are on, and it's not ours. Anyway, why would ANYONE defend such a religion?
You want to whitewash a religion whose host nations and houses of 'religious worship' breath threats of death and destruction against Americans, Christians and Jews on an almost daily basis, then feel free.
After all, this is a free country and we all do, or SHOULD, have the freedom of speech, unless of course, one speaks out against homosexuals, muslims, LGBT's or any of the numerous ethnic minorities who make a overly large contribution to the crime rate in this country out of all proportion to their population. And of course, if one defends the God of the Old or New Testament, or the Bible with too many words, then we also lose our freedom of speech, even in this forum. It seems only Christianity and Jews and 2nd Amendment advocates can be slandered without repercussions.
Freedom of speech, yeah, that's working out really well.
That Arab Spring thing sure doesn't seem to be working out too well for all those Arab nations. All the people get, are another corrupt set of tyrannical rulers to replace the current ones.
Yeah, it sure is a PEACEFUL religion.
Funny how that is the only religion that seems to be doing all the be-headings even among their own people.
And if that is what they do to their OWN people, how do you think they're going to treat YOU?
They themselves coined the term 'useful fools'.
But just to answer the question, referencing their own threats in the news lately, you either convert, and become a slave -literally- and pay the JIZya tax, or you'll have your head handed to you, LITERALLY.
There's a joke there, I'm sure.
Peaceful religion. Give me a break.
I wouldn't trust any of them, nor ANYONE who defends them.
And that now includes you.
Then again, maybe I'm just full of it and all wrong.
History will decide.
If people don't have the wit to see what is coming and learn FROM history and ACT on it, they just lessened their chances of survival.
Neville Chamberlain, was a traitor and an idiot. As a matter of fact, John Kerry reminds me of Chamberlain. And that's not good! All of Britain saw what was coming and allowed the Jews to be slaughtered and REFUSED to step in. They paid the price, but not YET in full. Even AFTER the war, Britain (no longer 'Great' Britain), STILL sided with muslims against the Jews, so the future does NOT bode well for them. Muslims take a dim view of cowards, and that is after all, what traitors are, cowards.
FDR saw what Britain was suffering, and delayed our own entrance into the war until FORCED into it. FDR lost his life in mid-term, and was replaced by a relative NOBODY. Coincidence, perhaps, perhaps not. But most people don't know that FDR was asked REPEATEDLY by MacArthur MONTHS before the war started, to send ships to evacuate our troops and Philippine civilians who helped us. FDR REFUSED.
So don't put ALL the blame on the Japanese for the Bataan Death March. MUCH of it falls on FDR, another democrat "female kitty", and traitor.
EVERYONE can, or SHOULD be able to see what is coming, and yet we're doing next to nothing about it. Nothing EFFECTIVE that is, except sending BILLIONS in BRIBES, er 'aid' to all those countries who hate us. And if that is not the height of stupidity and TREASON, I don't know what is.
Yeah, we learned our lessons well. Not.