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by krieghoff
Thu Jun 29, 2017 8:22 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Girl Shoots Boyfriend To Death In YouTube Stunt
Replies: 41
Views: 11029

Re: Girl Shoots Boyfriend To Death In YouTube Stunt

puma guy wrote:
krieghoff wrote:
puma guy wrote:I can't imagine anyone that stupid, but I get amazed everyday; in this situation it's two stupid people. During one of Texas more well known prison escapes the convicts used books as blockades and defense as they tried to exit to a vehicle. I can't recall the main player, but I think he was a drug dealer with a famous lawyer brother back in the 70's. Didn't work out. Maybe they chose from the light reading section instead of anatomy books.
That dude was Fred Carrasco. I believe it was 1974.
Thanks! I'm getting old and can have CRS. Can't Remember Stuff!
Don't feel like the Lone Ranger. At my age CRS happens more than I would like to admit. :biggrinjester:
by krieghoff
Thu Jun 29, 2017 3:14 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Girl Shoots Boyfriend To Death In YouTube Stunt
Replies: 41
Views: 11029

Re: Girl Shoots Boyfriend To Death In YouTube Stunt

puma guy wrote:I can't imagine anyone that stupid, but I get amazed everyday; in this situation it's two stupid people. During one of Texas more well known prison escapes the convicts used books as blockades and defense as they tried to exit to a vehicle. I can't recall the main player, but I think he was a drug dealer with a famous lawyer brother back in the 70's. Didn't work out. Maybe they chose from the light reading section instead of anatomy books.
That dude was Fred Carrasco. I believe it was 1974.

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