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by bradyb2008
Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:34 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Austin, Texas - odd encounter.
Replies: 41
Views: 9473

Re: Austin, Texas - odd encounter.

Strat9mm wrote:I was going to say that Austin was not that bad, it's mostly the weirdo's who never get/got real jobs or who do, and stay weird, who make Austin weird.

Then I remembered my last trip to Austin, going to a convenience store for some frozen food to microwave at my hotel room.

Paid for about 4 boxes of frozen items and a drink, then the cashier just walked away and moved some pizza around. I looked down and wondered okay, she had to move some pizza.

Then she came back, stared at me, and pushed my boxes closer together, and towards me, and I just looked at her.

I asked 'can I have a bag please?'. She said, no more bags, and pointed to a sign in front of the cash register which was apparently written in camo, because i never noticed it. It basically said plastic bags are now banned in Austin.

An older gentleman, a member of our Armed Services, and another guy, all behind me in line, basically commented how it's just wrong (referring to the ban) in support of my situation.

Insanity has moved from the weirdo's, to the government in Austin.

So we now have elected officials voting in laws just to spite, insult and mock (and literally, -disarm-) their own constituents. And the other elected officials alongside these ignorant ill-intended 'officials' don't seem to have the cojones to cogently argue against and avoid enacting such offensive, stupid and outright dangerous laws.

After doing some studying, it's very true that an unarmed (or DISarmed) population are targets for evil people on a local level (i.e. thugs and worse), and on a national level. The 2nd Amendment was primarily written to prevent an unjust GOVERNMENT from forcefully taking away the rights of the people. At this point, it's become obvious that the current 'government' is already guilty of INFRINGING on the right of the people to bear arms. Seems to me certain legislators need to be in jail right about now. (An incident during Katrina where the Mayor Nagin of New Orleans ordered the forced disarmament of the citizens of New Orleans, comes to mind. My question is, why isn't he in jail? There's no excuse for that. Anyone who disarms their law-abiding citizens has BROKEN the 2nd Amendment, and anyone who proposes to infringe the right to bear arms, is one step from being GUILTY as well in my view.)

Anyway, I've seen some of the anti-gun laws proposed by certain Democrats in the State Legislature (thanks to this forum), and they're doing it on purpose.

One might wonder if they're only doing it for 'fun' (like the plastic bag ban), or if there is a real reason behind their actions such as proposing such horrible and outright dangerous anti-gun legislation.

Of course, the same could be said for what is going on at a national level.

Yes dear friends, the lunatics ARE running the asylum now.

They really are, and now they've reached the government in Austin.

I"m waiting for plastic myself, and after reading several concealed gun books via Kindle on my Tablet, I'm glad I have my weapon. I wouldn't fight if they took it away, after all, they are still the government that has to be obeyed, but it's my personal belief that no one ever gets away with anything. All I have to do, is sit back and watch, and wait. Though I doubt the next election will be any different. But one can hope. God let's -everyone- make their own decisions to choose good or evil. It looks like we're sliding down evil's side due political correctness allowing the voices of just a few very vocal nut jobs who can't get REAL productive jobs, and about half the population. And now, it seems there's no way back.

So what's the penalty for 'breaking' the 2nd Amendment by INFRINGING on my right to bear arms? In my view, there are plenty of government officials who are already guilty and should be charged. Hey, but that's just my humble opinion.

You have got to be kidding me!!! They only banned plastic bags because its completely unnecessary to use several per grocery-store trip then throw them in the garbage. Is it a minor inconvenience to remember to bring your own bags every visit? Yes. Does it serve a greater purpose and embrace some conservation of the environment (which seems to be a horrible concept to some people I encounter)? Yes.

I love it here in Austin. We have the best music in Texas, incredible food, more beautiful women per capita than any city I've ever been to or lived in, and so many free activities to do every day. A lot of people seem to forget that this is your State's capitol city and regardless of your preference on a portion of the residents, it still governs the place you call home. I personally don't care for half of the ignorant, bible-thumping cul-de-sac-cowboys of Fort Worth, but you don't see me claiming they should all be institutionalized.

Go Cowboys!

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