Dal686Tech wrote:The most outstanding impression that I came away with was the sincerity of the Instructor candidates - impressive! As the man said, we are all of like persuasion - And yes, no debate, the instructors were outstanding. I have been a lifelong fan of DPS but my admiration doubled - way to go!
An open offer - I have converted all of the movies on the CHL Channel at YouTubes to mp4's - PM me if you want to save a few moments of converting time.
I, too, will be creating a PowerPoint presentation. In putting some thought into a Scope of Work, and remembering the potential exist that the instruction time may decrease from 10 to 4 hours, I am thinking that creating 10 main modules with 3 or 4 sub-modules may offer the flexibility to expand or contract the course time and to expand or modify the course to the audience. The devil is in the details but a rough draft seems to suggest that it is plausible.
BTW, if anyone is willing to share their PowerPoints, I would be most appreciative. I am interested in seeing what others have done and how I can adapt various presentation aspects into my idea of building a flexible module solution.
I have downloaded all the video clips, plus several others. 911 call, Walmart shooting in Deli, etc. I would like to take you up on your offer of sharing PPT files. I'll PM you and see if we can get a line of communication open for the share. I would like your converted files. I have not found a converter yet. Let me know what you used and I'll take those that I have that are not on the DPS channel and get them converted.
Bill D.