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by Jason73
Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:21 pm
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: online petition against HR 1022
Replies: 18
Views: 5260

I signed and this is what I posted:

"This bill is yet ANOTHER attempt by the left side of the aisle to further erode the rights granted by the 2nd amendment. Guns aren't the problem, criminals are. Criminals by definition IGNORE the law. The weapons singled out in this bill are the ones LEAST used in violent crimes or murders. Its time to stop destroying the rights of law abiding citizens and start restoring them instead. How about a bill to repeal the 1938 federal firearms act, the gun control act of 1968, and all subsequent anti-gun legislation that has eroded the constitutional right of law-abiding Americans to keep and bear arms. It is after all "We The People", not "A select few of us"."

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