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by RJGold
Fri Jul 10, 2015 3:55 pm
Forum: Animal Rescue
Topic: Blind dog
Replies: 8
Views: 10580

Re: Blind dog

We have a blind dachshund now...

When she's at home, you would never know she's blind. She motors around the house with ease and almost never runs into anything (unless something is out of place).

She adapts well to new places and places we visit infrequently. When we visit my folks' house (two or three times a year), it is clear to me she remembers where she is and where things are.

The advice on an earlier post is good. Start them in a small space. Use baby gates to limit acces to other rooms and dangerous areas (stairs, pools). Gradually expand their range into other rooms. They will learn. Also, give them a safe place to go to (kennel, bed area). They will learn where it is and can go there anytime they want to be in their "safe zone".

Watching our dog, she clearly uses her sense of hearing to help her navigate (she hears her echos off walls) as well as her sense of smell to navigate.

Our dog became blind one eye at a time due to a congenital deffect that dachshunds have (a form of glaucoma). We had her on glaucoma medication and she still lost both eyes over a period of a couple years. I am glad that we didn't listen to some folks and put her down. She adapted well and is still a great dog.

I wish you good luck with whatever you choose to do with your potential adoption.

ETA - My wife also leaves music or the TV on when we're away from the house so our dog has some background noise. For a dog that's lost its sight, it's probably worth doing so it has some form of reference noise?

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