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by RJGold
Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:59 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Walked into Collectors Firearms in Houston...
Replies: 35
Views: 6846

Re: Walked into Collectors Firearms in Houston...

LeonCarr wrote:The last time I almost walked into Collectors was in 1999. I got to the door, saw a "No Loaded Guns In Store" sign next to the door and saw through the window that every employee was open carrying. I have not come close to darkening their door since. It wasn't an official 30.06 type sign, but their elitist attitude just flat out made me mad.

I went into the Cigar Shop next door, which I believe is the largest Cigar Shop in Houston, and spent my money there :).

Just my .02,
Pretty typical signage for most of the gun stores / ranges I go to. I believe the one at Collectors Firearms says something like "...all weapons must be unloaded except for CHL which must remain concealed..." (I only used quotes to offset the sign verbiage, it may actually use different wording but the intent is correct). I've seen similar signage at Tactical Firearms and other gun shops / ranges I've been to.

Not a bad idea IMO, my hope would be it actually makes people think and check about the weapons they are bringing into the store.

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