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by ScubaSigGuy
Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:17 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Harassing the new guys
Replies: 9
Views: 2507

Re: Harassing the new guys

You guys were nice! We used to duct tape the new guys to the rolling Halon bottles, write on thier foreheads with grease pencils and leave them on the flightline for long enough for all of the trucks to drive by and give them a little grief (usually reserved for the no-striper know-it-alls).

We also sent them looking for K9P lubricant, left handed smoke shifters, a yard of flightline, aircraft ignition keys...etc.

We used to call the Maintenance Operations Center and ask them the current ambient alititude, or the ambient barometric temperature... you get some interesting anwers at 0330 on grave shift.

One of the funniest I have seen was when guy safety wired a particularly annoying arimen's boots together while he was wearing them. :rolll

The funny thing is we usually had some pranks for someones last day if we liked them. We didn't waste any time getting started because it usually involved ice water and being taped to an office chair and maybe some condiments... the good thing was we would send them home after they were cut loose an hour or two into the day.

Ahhh the memories. Thanks for starting this thread Jim.

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