Called the dps today to find out why i am still in backround check after 4 weeks and she told me my license was already printed and waiting to be mailed but the site still says backround check -in review.Guess they dont update till the end of the week.
Been in backround review for one month.Sent my paperwork in on 1/28.they received it on 2/20 and there I have sat in backround review.looked today 3/19 and still in backround review.Dont know what the hold up is,I have a clean record.
been in backround review since 02/20.wonder if it will change with the sunday batch.anybody else in this boat? Do you know for a fact there is a Sunday batch? I assumed there is not be because they don't work on Saturday. Yes there is a sunday batch,A lot of application updates get uploaded for sun...