The question you should be asking is, how much is your life worth. In this case it's the cost of some trigger parts. An additional question is what exactly is all that supposed to do for you - what sort of advantage in a defense situation do you think you are achieving with this sort of tampering? I can show you what they can do to you. A cop in New Mexico with a Sig P320 found out last June.Tacomaman wrote: ↑Thu Nov 09, 2023 4:24 pm This is a question for attorney's. Are trigger enhancement kits or as Cajun Gun Works calls them, standard package(for defensive carry) problematic for CHL holders? I have an Apex trigger kit in my CZ 75D Compact PCR.
I am considering buying one for my RAMI. Both of these pistols are carry guns.
Should I be rethinking this?
Time indexed towards the end of a car pursuit, is Officer #3.
Wilson Combat grip module, some kind of slide probably non-factory also, milled for an optic, definitely non-factory trigger peeking into the trigger guard and lord knows what else on the insides. Just one malfunction after another. @1:36 you can see him straining at pulling the trigger and nothing happening. When he drops the mag @ 1:40 you can see it still has rounds at the ready and he wasn't able to fire enough to empty it yet anyway. When the scene ends at 1:49, he's aiming an inoperable weapon towards the suspects.
That scene has to be watched in slow motion to take in the desperate efforts that cop was trying to keep his weapon operational in a high risk situation.
Whether he realized what happened and corrected it afterwards is unknown. It was probably a Sig in description only, considering the level of aftermarket parts it was made up of - at least the extended mag appears to be a factory Sig item.
I have never been nor ever will go into a conflict or where there may be a conflict with a sidearm that has non-factory internals. A lot of research time and money went into design of trigger internals that would mesh into the overall design & function, more so with pistols designed with combat in mind. Like with any interest, there are things out there which are made to sell, get your money and offer little to no upgrade in reality. Best you leave the tricky stuff for the range, where it's safer to do so, where the targets don't shoot back. It's up to you whether you want to risk or not the sort of experience that guy in New Mexico had.