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by Zencyl
Sat Sep 20, 2014 12:45 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: San Antonio - visitor shoots, kills fake cop
Replies: 13
Views: 2912

Re: San Antonio - visitor shoots, kills fake cop

steveincowtown wrote:This is EXACTLY while the requirement to produce your CHL when asked for ID should be modified this session.

Fake Cop: Can I see some ID.
Law Abiding CHLer: Sure, and here is my CHL.
Fake Cop: Are you carrying? If so I am going to need to secure the weapon for my safety.

All of the sudden the fake cop has your weapon and you are defenseless. There have been many, many instances of fake LEOs in Texas.
This is exactly why I only hand anything to a uniformed officer in a standard marked patrol vehicle. Anyone is civilian clothes is treated as such until a uniformed officer shows up and vouches for the person in civilian dress.

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