blackgold wrote:I'm surprised you were able to call him. Phones were all but nonfunctional. I think I made calls in the time afterwards. I still am not sure if there was just so much traffic that it disabled the phones or there were blackouts instituted (would not have been surprised)I. did not get home until 9someting that night. Most places on base wouldn't let people leave until it was cleared and gates were closed. Took HOURS to get off base, TONS of soldiers searching all cars leaving.
Cell phone... he was a SSgt base MP...the whole conversation lasted 15 seconds.. it went something like this.. " him: sup... Me: you good?.. him: kinda busy...Me: jus Checkin heard the news... him: I'm good. got some bros down, gota go.. ME: cool . call me when things settle. him: check... click
he is currently deployed to S Korea.