Change may come about from many directions. Originally the CHL law was contained in (paraphrasing) "Section 49ee of the ..." and later was moved to "Section 411 Government Code". When this happened, all of of the previously valid signs were (presumably) now invalid because they didn't contain wording identical to the new statutory language (I say presumably because I'm not aware of this theory ever being tested in court.) There may have even been other changes since '97 that I've forgotten about.sugar land dave wrote:Interesting, but I don't think such a bill could ever pass in Texas. I think we will have to change attitudes not laws in the case of 30.06 signs. I wish it could be different.
Don't overlook entropy! Once the hubub is forgotten and actual OC hasn't generated new negative feelings, signs might not get replaced when windows do or door glass does. Taped up signs may fall down and after redoing them a few times merchants may just say "forget this". Even businesses that have a corporate policy could be sloppy in the future & post non-binding signs or none at all.
On the change attitude side, yes, hopefully LTCs can help businesses understand we are good guys not bad ones. I recall that shortly after a beer and wine store opened in my old neighborhood, I noticed they had a 51% sign posted, a 30.06 sign, plus the "non-licensed firearms" (the only correct one). I guessed that they just threw everything into the window that TABC had provided and I was right. After respectfully pointing it out and noting "let me help you increase your sales", 51% and 30.06 came down. I've been a loyal customer ever since.