This is try #3 to post from my phone so pardon my brevity. I hope I am on of those reasonable members of both forums.
Yes some on OCDO didn't do the cause any good with their approach. That was born of frustration. Some took your advice and formed new organizations. As often happens there was no critical mass. None had the combination of legal talent, political connections and skill,time to devote, or money to fund a worthy effort. I assure you that at least two or three groups tried to do as you asked. I haven't participated in any because of a heavy work schedule but I saw the announcements.
Even some legit signs have come down since 1997. You are right about out of sight out of mind but legal OC will still be defacto out of site because so few will practice it. I still respectfully disagree with the assumption that there will be mass postings. On e the news coverage goes away so will the mindshare. Particularly if it is CHL-only OC, the history since 97 has been as you said fewer real signs over time and I'll add with increasing CHL #s. Our reputation with police are good as well. Total = more pital environment now than then.
Why isn't verbal notice sufficient for the rare occurance where an open carrier finds himself in a place where he isn't welcome? Your stats show CHLers are a small fraction of the population. Open carriers will be a very small number of that population. Interestingly those opposed seem to think, or fear, that it will be exercised more than proponents. I think rejecting evidence from other states is unfair. Didn't we point to other states in 95 to assuage opponent's fears? The irony is that people elsewhere in the country associate an equipped pistol belt with Texas yet it is likely legal in said hypothetical state but not here.
The recent election has presented the pro-2A community with a tremendous opportunity. The prior limitations may no longer exist. OK is about to inaugurate a governor who will sign the sure-to-pass bill. AK and AZ made big steps even considering their history by eliminating the permit requirement to CC. Wasn't this potentially controversial? I would argue this will result in many more unlicensed people carrying than unlicensed OC in TX. Our side is winning and I sure wish we would stop disagreeing and find common ground in this new friendlier environment.
Open carry isn't likely to happen without TSRA's support and it has almost zero chance with its opposition. Please TSRA members, of which I am a proud one, ask our leaders to sieze the moment for the benefit of liberty. I understand and agree with planning and preparation but please reevaluate in lighof recent events. Adjust the battle plan now that the opposition is on the run. I know there is redistricting, budget, etc. But you can do it. I've before that I agree that OC isn't a top priority and can be dumped if a sacrifice is necessary but at lea attempt to pass an acceptable bill.
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- by SA-TX
- Wed Nov 24, 2010 6:46 pm
- Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
- Topic: TX rep to author OC
- Replies: 156
- Views: 31559
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