I will see if I can get you a copy of the personnel policy of this company I mentioned. I don't have any affiliation with them, nor do I work there, but I know plenty who do. They employ several thousand just in DFW. I don't know how specific their written policy is on the matter, but I know they are telling employees that a gun found in the car will equate to a termination. Employees have to give authority for car searches as a condition of employment. They had an incident in another state years ago where an employee went to his car, obtained weapons, then went on a killing spree in the company buildings.Charles L. Cotton wrote:During the fight for the employer parking lot bill, I drafted a bill that would have made it a crime to require or even request to search an employee's car, or to require consent as a term of employment. It was not filed because it was a backup to the primary parking lot bill that passed.
One other thing...you probably don't hear it enough, but THANKS. I have testified in committee hearings at the state level, and it is a beating, to say the least. Thank you very much for the work you have done, and will continue to do.