Full autos are going away. The department I used to work for had full auto MP5s and those were traded in for semi-auto M4s. The full autos have to be owned by the department, but the officers can be issued one (but it's not a good idea for a department to allow an officer to take it home; however, some do). If an officer buys a full auto weapon, and I worked with a guy that had a couple, then the officer has to go through the same process that anyone else does, ie. tax stamp, etc. I've had a C&R license and CHL for years, and both while working for the PD.
The full autos don't really give you any sort of an advantage, and they burn through tons of ammo. The department was very restrictive about who was allowed to use them. With the ARs, everyone could use them that qualified. A lot of us bought our own ARs that met the department criteria and carried those.
The military ARs are junk. The military has a program through the DRMO where police departments can obtain military surplus equipment. This equipment is obtained from the nearest military base, and then when it's no longer needed, it's returned to that base to be disposed of. I've gone through this program before, and I went through Fort Hood. You can get a username and password to search the database for all the decommissioned stuff in the DRMO program. Like I said though, if you can buy new stuff, it's best to stay away from the old used military stuff.
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- by Chris
- Fri Aug 28, 2009 8:21 pm
- Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
- Topic: Can LEO's use full auto M4's/M16's? Or just AR-15's?
- Replies: 25
- Views: 7867
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