So, I am heading off to the State of Washington (Seattle area, but not that city) on a very necessary business trip. They do NOT have reciprocity with Texas due to our issue of LTC to those under 21 (military). Also, you cannot have a loaded firearm in your vehicle without a permit/license. Open carry is legal but it has to be fully visible (inadvertent cover counts as concealed), and there is still the issue of not loaded in the vehicle. Finally, there is no state knife pre-emption law, so the cities there have extremely stringent knife laws in many cases (less than three inches, etc). I do plan on buying some "bear strength" pepper spray as that isn't banned there, strangely enough.
I am concerned because of the current political climate, and the large number of drug abusers that area is reported to have.
Any useful tips, advice, whatever from those who are familiar with Washington laws and the general conditions there will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.