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by K.Mooneyham
Fri May 06, 2016 1:10 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 44305

Re: Cruz is out.

For the citizenry who care to stand up against things they know go against the Constitution, they also need law enforcement officials who will not side with elitist left-wing politicians. The sheriffs in New York State who said they wouldn't enforce the intentionally mis-titled "SAFE Act" are a great example. However, if law enforcement sides with the left-wing political leaders, they will arrest/jail anyone who dares dissent against whatever schemes that their political bosses cook up; that's how it works in socialist nations, even in places like the UK or Germany. Those places even have "hate speech laws" and you can get arrested for saying something not considered politically correct. While that may result in a great backlash here in the USA, it might also serve to chill any dissent simply because most people don't want to go to jail. Look at how disarmed and at risk the citizenry of New Jersey is right now. The politicians in New Jersey seem to be on the side of the criminals more than the citizenry. You can be arrested there for simple things Texans take for granted, like having hollow-point ammunition. What if it were like that across the nation? What if a Gary McCarthy (Chicago PD Chief) type ran every major police department in Texas and the laws were no longer on our side? I really wouldn't want things to come to that, certainly not in my lifetime, nor at any point in the future. Better to find a way to stop it before it happens.
by K.Mooneyham
Thu May 05, 2016 12:26 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 44305

Re: Cruz is out.

VoiceofReason wrote:Reading this thread reminds me of a self-flagellation ritual. "rlol"

Folks it is not the end of the world and we are not going to give up our guns. To repeat part of my post on page 3, we have come too far and have the majority of public opinion on our side, "I don’t think Hillary, Michael Bloomberg or anyone else can do anything to institute “meaningful gun control” except get the U.S. public “up in arms”.

No matter who is elected president, if they go too far there are provisions in the constitution for impeachment.

Whoever is elected president, we must now look a little further than gun rights to what is good for the country. The country got this screwed up because good, hard working, law abiding people kept silent and let the loudest voices and those with the most money “drive the wagon”. We need to get more involved, but we also need to be well informed about what we are getting involved with.

The country will survive no matter who is elected president. :patriot: I believe there are some rough times ahead but if we love our country we all need to work together to save it.
I would like to believe what you say is true, and I understand (I think) what leads you to say that. However, one of the things that defines a nation is a shared culture. If this nation continues to allow people to pour in at the rate they are coming in, and then allow them to retain the culture they bring with them, and ignore the prevailing culture of this nation, this nation will cease to exist as we know it. There may continue to be a country called the United States of America, but it won't be anything that any of us would recognize. The Roman Empire got overrun by successive waves of "barbarians" and eventually, the Roman Empire was lost. I'm not saying we are the exact same as them, but history can be instructive if we allow it to teach us.
by K.Mooneyham
Wed May 04, 2016 1:07 am
Forum: Federal
Topic: Cruz is out.
Replies: 169
Views: 44305

Re: Cruz is out.

Charles L. Cotton wrote:
baldeagle wrote:
Keith B wrote:
Dave2 wrote:
ELB wrote:I am not surprised, but I am downhearted. We are well and truly screwed.
Yep... I was holding out hope that for the first time in my life (I'm 37), I'd be able to vote for someone rather than merely voting against someone else.

Time to start looking at 3rd party candidates, I guess.
And the perfect way to GARUNTEE Hillary is our next POTUS. :banghead:
No! The Trumpsters do NOT get to hang that on us. You made your bed. Now you will lay in it. Trump was never going to beat Hillary, and any sentient person should have known that. He has no principles, so what on earth did you expect him to do if elected?

That's all I'm going to say on this topic, because anything else would get me banned. Don't bother responding to me, because I will not be back to respond. I'm done.
See it or not, respond or not, "Trumpsters" aren't the only ones stating the undeniable truth. If Trump isn't elected, Hillary will be President with all that entails. I supported Cruz, but facts are facts.


This nation has suffered mightily for the last 7+ years. Another 4 of the same sort of thing, which is what Hillary represents, would be the true death knell.

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