People in some areas of the state can use it at ranges. Lots of people with land shoot the stuff, as well. It was formerly decently priced and fire's okay in most ARs and other 5.56/.223 rifles and carbines. Its just like the thing with the steel case ammo. Lots of people use it; no one is saying YOU have to use it. Its just nice to have options.Dave2 wrote:Well, yeah, but it comes in a cool green ammo can at cabella's. Plus, the government's trying to ban it, so you know it's the good stuff.Beiruty wrote:I never needed this bullet, nor I can find a range that would allow you to shoot it.
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- Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:29 am
- Forum: Federal
- Topic: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
- Replies: 99
- Views: 20459
Re: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
- Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:34 pm
- Forum: Federal
- Topic: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
- Replies: 99
- Views: 20459
Re: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
I can think of at least two on-line sellers who "hyped" this ammo as AP when it most certainly is NOT AP. However, if a car manufacturer says their car is a "race car", is it banned from the streets merely because of that marketing campaign? Or would the car have to be shown to be a race car and not a street car? I understand what you are saying, but the rationale being used by BATFE on this still stinks.jmra wrote:Sometimes marketing comes back to bite you. If it hadn't been marketed as armor piercing it probably would not have been targeted by the Feds.K.Mooneyham wrote:Yeah, I thought about how few, if any, LEOs have ever been shot with green tip; I'd imagine the mass media machine would be screaming about it if it had happened. It seems to be just something more for them to play "gotcha" against the firearms community.Beiruty wrote:When LI V armor plates are going for $65 why one has to worry about this green tip ammo?
Also, how many LEOs were shot with this green tip? Let us see, ...... How about a big ZERO.
- Sun Feb 22, 2015 1:23 pm
- Forum: Federal
- Topic: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
- Replies: 99
- Views: 20459
Re: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
Yeah, I thought about how few, if any, LEOs have ever been shot with green tip; I'd imagine the mass media machine would be screaming about it if it had happened. It seems to be just something more for them to play "gotcha" against the firearms community.Beiruty wrote:When LI V armor plates are going for $65 why one has to worry about this green tip ammo?
Also, how many LEOs were shot with this green tip? Let us see, ...... How about a big ZERO.
- Sun Feb 15, 2015 3:03 pm
- Forum: Federal
- Topic: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
- Replies: 99
- Views: 20459
Re: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
Well, I emailed the ATF public comments my thoughts on the subject, for whatever good it will do. Here is the text of what I emailed them. I tried to focus on sporting purpose, and to keep it realistic.
To Whom It May Concern:
The gist of the ban seems to hinge around whether M855 has a legitimate sporting purpose, or not weighed against the safety of law enforcement. I will attest that I have fired some reasonable amount of the commercially available version of that ammunition, usually marketed as XM855 or the like. Every round I fired was fired at a public shooting range at a paper target. The reasonable accuracy and reasonable cost of the ammunition coupled with availability led me to purchase that ammunition for range use. Additionally, it has a similar weight to certain .223 rounds used for hunting (62 grain for the M855 versus 64 grains for the hunting rounds). The cost of practicing with the hunting rounds can be prohibitive. The availability of the similarly weighted M855 allows for quality practice at a reasonable price. If one is hunting, that is not the time to find out you need more practice, or that the zero of your rifle is off. 55 grain projectiles, though rather affordable, have a different point of impact than 62 grain projectiles. Throughout much of the USA, feral hogs have become a problem. They are destructive of crops and waterways among other things. The .223/5.56 mm cartridge is used by a lot of hunters to dispose of feral hogs. They move fast, in groups, and often require a semi-automatic firearm to make a real impact in their numbers. The .223/5.56 mm cartridge and firearms that use it are likely among the most widely used for the purpose. As previously stated, M855 type ammunition provides a cost attractive way to practice target shooting at the range, and to prepare for hunting feral hogs. There are far more long guns, by an incredible measure, that fire the .223/5.56 mm cartridge than pistols designed to do so. Pistols chambered that way are a niche market at best, despite the hype they receive in firearms publications, internet videos, and social media pages. Thus, I do not believe that removing M855 from the market will do much, if anything, to aid the safety of law enforcement, but it will most certainly negatively impact target shooters, sportsmen/hunters, and farmers. I urge you to grant an on-going exemption for M855 type ammunition on this basis. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
- Sat Feb 14, 2015 1:44 pm
- Forum: Federal
- Topic: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
- Replies: 99
- Views: 20459
Re: BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo
This seems like one of those things where they haven't got any traction in other areas, so they are going to make things uncomfortable for American firearms owners any way they can. Specifically, by banning M855 from sale and therefore forcing prices up by artificially reducing the supply.