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- Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:15 am
- Forum: The Crime Blotter
- Topic: Terrible murder you may not know about
- Replies: 43
- Views: 8662
Re: Terrible murder you may not know about
I'm not opposed to the death penalty in the least as a punishment for heinous murder. Additionally, I believe the murderer(s) should live as austere a life as possible before the sentence is carried out. However, I also believe that it should be carried out with as little emotion or fanfare as possible, so that the condemned cannot find any solace, nor anything tangible to hang defiance upon; I want them to go away broken, as they broke those that they murdered. They should be hung, or shot by firing squad, and it should all be done from behind a wall, so the murderer(s) have zero human contact once led into the chamber and placed in restraints. No last words, no audience, just them going away forever. Their remains should then be buried in an unmarked grave so they may be forgotten. So many good people have been taken from this earth before their natural end, it truly hurts my heart if I think about it too much.