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by K.Mooneyham
Fri Sep 16, 2022 11:31 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mesquite Man Arrested After Pulling Gun
Replies: 10
Views: 2328

Re: Mesquite Man Arrested After Pulling Gun

I have two thoughts on this. The first one, as most have said, is that the incident should never have occurred in the first place. NEVER pull over and get into an altercation like that. Always make every effort to disengage and depart the situation.

Second thought, though, is that despite Hollyweird garbage movies that show people taking dozens of hits and kicks and just getting a bloody lip, people have been killed by ONE punch or kick. There is a big difference between two trained boxers going at it in a ring with gloves on, and two "regular" people fighting in real-world circumstances, especially with some disparity in size and/or age. My heart has become very hardened toward bad people who initiate violence against others and expect to get away with injuring, maiming, or even killing others. And, yet again, I am glad I live in a rural area. Not because violence doesn't happen out here, but the lesser the amount of people, the lesser chance for interactions that turn really bad, really fast. YMMV, I am not an expert nor a lawyer.

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