If there is a visible difference in the trigger, including reset position, then that puts you in the Enhanced Service Pistol (ESP) Division.
To address the comment about the firearm mounted light I list the relevant rule sections from the IDPA 2017 Rulebook: https://www.idpa.com/wp-content/uploads ... k-2017.pdf
By default, a firearm mounted light is not allowed with the few exceptions outlined below.
If you are competing at PSC you can send an email to Mark Stavrakis, Sr. who is the PSC IDPA Match Director, and ask him if there is a light division. Otherwise you can be put in the "Not for Competition" group if you want to leave the light mounted. Mark's email address can be found here https://pscshootingclub.com/index.php/contacts-article
Rule that does not allow a firearm mounted light:
- Section 8.1.8 Non-IDPA-Legal Features and Modifications for All Divisions, subsection F on page 26: "The following features and modifications are not allowed in any division unless otherwise specifically allowed in the rulebook. F. Lights mounted on firearms."
Rules that allow firearm mounted lights:
- Section 7 Permanently Physically Disable Shooter (PPDS), subsection B, page 24: "PPDS with the use of only one arm or hand may elect to use a light mounted on the firearm prior to the start signal, with no penalty, on all stages if within the match there is a stage that requires the use of a flashlight."
- Section 8.2.10 Specialty Divisions (SPD), subsection B page 32: "B. IDPA allows clubs to add “Specialty Divisions” for scoring. This division allows cartridges smaller than 9 mm, carry optics, activated lasers, mounted lights, and other firearms which do not fit into the other competition divisions to participate in matches."
- Section 8.8.4 Flashlights, page 35: "Police and military personnel using the Duty Gear Exemption with a firearm mounted light may not activate the mounted light, and are otherwise subject to the same hand held flashlight usage rules as other competitors. See rule 3.10."