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by Arsenal76
Mon Jan 07, 2013 11:35 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Expunged Records
Replies: 37
Views: 17258

Re: Expunged Records

I used to live in Michigan, got my CCW in 2001, renewed recently when it became a CPL, move to Texas in Sept. Took CHL class end of Oct. It has now been 70+ days. I emailed the state since phone calls were busy/long waits due to holidays and Sandy Hook shooting...I reported an arrest for time unknown that was expunged on the same basis as others, didn't want to not reveal it even though it essentially never happened... now I get this email response.
Dear Applicant,

Thank you for giving the Department the opportunity to respond to your email regarding your Texas Concealed Handgun license.

At this time we are awaiting the completion of the background investigation. A technician has been assigned to your application to make sure that all the charges/arrests on your record are non-disqualifying. A detailed letter may be sent to you in regards to needing more information about one or more of your prior arrests. The letter will give you all the details and information you need to comply. Please wait to receive the letter, then call us with any questions you may have regarding the letter.

(d) On receipt at the department's Austin headquarters of the application materials and the result of the investigation by the director's designee, the department shall conduct any further record check or investigation the department determines is necessary if a question exists with respect to the accuracy of the application materials or the eligibility of the applicant, except that the department shall complete the record check and investigation not later than the 180th day after the date the department receives the application materials from the applicant.”

Should you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please contact Concealed Handgun Licensing Customer Relations at 1-512-424-7293.
I decided to call (517) 241-0606 (Search, Modify, Locate, Set Aside or Expungement of Criminal History Records),1607,7-12 ... --,00.html" onclick=";return false;
the lady said nothing showed up on my record and I didn't need to report it, only thing that shows up is my CPL License is Valid, and she said that if she was called by Texas DPS in regards she would tell them the same thing.

I think if Texas CHL/DPS doesn't deny CHL's based on EXPUNGED Records then that should clearly be noted somewhere in the Application, because I don't recall the date in which this happened, it was 15 years ago give or take, and they show no record of it, so how am I supposed to give them more information about an EXPUNGED arrest. Truthfully I feel that my honesty is creating more of a problem than it's worth and I only mentioned it because I am NOT a LAWYER and didn't want to get in any trouble by not releasing information and later be determined to have lied, when by law I don't think it is lying...hard to say.

If I wasn't denied in Michigan twice over an expungement I don't see how I can be denied here, I also have been told by three police officer's/detectives and the DPS that Reciprocity recognizes my Michigan CPL which doesn't expire until 2016...seems to be much ado about nothing!

I also aced the written test for the CHL 50/50 in a class taught by a Fort Worth Police Officer. I just prefer to have the Texas CHL ASAP so I know that I am 100% Legal without question!

*note I was arrested, never convicted and the arrest record was expunged as per judges orders. funny semi-related story--When driving to Windsor, Canada for the first time the lady asked me if I was a U.S. Citizen, at first I didn't quite hear her (had the radio up quite loud for about an hour prior) and I kind of thought the question was stupid as I had never been asked before and was thinking about it, like yeah..DUH..I'm coming from the U.S. of course I'm a U.S. Citizen.. so she had to repeat herself and ask again and I told her YES. after some more questioning she sent me to the SIDE for further interviewing, etc.. went inside and the lady asked if I had ever been arrested before, and I said yes and no, she lol'd and says "What do you mean yes and no?" I said well I was arrested but the charges were dropped and the arrest expunged but I am not sure if they were truly erased from my record or not and if they were not then you would say I was she ran a check and said I'm good, nothing was found and wait for the lady to meet me by my car.... then I go outside and wait by the car, Lady Officer comes up with a Drug Dog and does a check on the vehicle, asks me to open the I do, then wants me to remove the huge subwoofer box in the trunk.. I said I would try but it's pretty hard to get out... so me and my friend tried for 5 minutes until finally the officer said don't worry about and and let us go on our way!... I have since gone to canada numerous times and never had any delay other than the typical line of cars in front of me.. takes like 30 seconds and free to go wherever I am heading!

Checked Status ONLINE says Background check completed, manufacturing pending!

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