+1 on that Hankmeister!It's because of the possibilityof something like this happening that I don't pop pests (possums, skunks, armadillos, felis domesticus) in my yard . . . no matter how much I want to.
Rule 3, you know - infinitely more potential downside than there is upside.
Part of being a responsible gun owner is being mature enough to resist temptations. I was just sitting out on my driveway, Glock on my hip, and thinking how much fun it would be to shoot at some innocuous target. But, I laughed at myself thinking how foolish it would be and that little boy on the trampoline came into my head. I stopped chuckling and felt this emptiness in sympathy for that little boy's parents. Lord, what they must be going through.
We all should say a prayer for them tonight.
Please, be safe, be smart.