234sportsman wrote:I just got home a few minutes ago from the instructors course. The auditors BOSS was there and the auditor gave wrong info. This question was discussed in depth. New instructors will not be allowed into the class without NRA or TECLEOSE Certs.
As for renewals, the process for those issues has yet to be decided and is even under consideration now in the legislative session by State lawmakers.
We were told that auditors are Contractors.
To the original poster...if you are NOT already CHL instructor , it is mandatory that you have one of the other Certs.
IIRC, we were told that auditors are Civilians, not Contractors, but I digress. I believe wholeheartedly that DPS isn't going to keep Instructors in limbo any longer than it takes for the legislative session to end. It would be crazy to put out a bunch of memos right now, knowing that there could be big changes to the legislation in the future (read 1-2 months). As a current instructor, qualified before Jan.1, 2013, if you want to be in complete adherence to the law, then get the NRA certification no matter what. If you want to wait to see what plays out in the legislation, then wait. Whatever you choose, it is your choice. But the statute says you need the certification. The statute doesn't give excpetion for renewals, for itintials, or for 'short class/long class'. If reading the statute, I don't believe there is any 'grey' area.
PS - I know that when new instructors get back from class, we think we know everything
. I don't claim to know anything other than what I was tested over, and what I take away from the class. My post is what I have taken away from the class, and it was muy bien!!!!