From Wikipedia regarding Jews in Lebanon post 1948:
Anti-Zionist demonstrations began in 1947 and 1948 but initially showed no malice to the Jewish community. As the Arab–Israeli conflict continued, hostility toward the Jews intensified, especially from the Muslim population. The main synagogue in Beirut was bombed in the early 1950s, and the Lebanese Chamber of Deputies witnessed heated debates on the status of Lebanese Jewish army officers. The discussions culminated in a unanimous resolution to expel and exclude them from the Lebanese Army.[13] The two Jewish army officers were discharged, but a few Jews continued to work for the government. The Jewish population of Beirut, which stood at 9,000 in 1948, dwindled to 2,500 by 1969.[14]
In 2010, work began to restore an old synagogue in Beirut, the Maghen Abraham Synagogue. The synagogue had fallen into disrepair after being bombed by Israel several years earlier. The roof had collapsed and trees and bushes had grown under it.[15] Although Solidere agreed to provide funds for the renovation because political officials believed it would portray Lebanon as an open society tolerant of Judaism,[16] none of the Jews involved in the project agreed to be identified, nor were the non-Jewish construction workers willing to show their faces or be photographed. The international media and even some members of the Jewish community (in and out of Lebanon) questioned who would pray there.[17] The self-declared head of the Jewish Community Council, Isaac Arazi, who left Lebanon in 1983,[18][19] eventually came forward but refused to show his face on camera in a television interview, fearing that his business would suffer if clients knew they had been dealing with a Jew.[20]
Philanthropist and civic leader Jack Benaroya and Major League Baseball player John Grabow are of Lebanese-Jewish descent."
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- by Redneck_Buddha
- Thu Apr 25, 2019 11:30 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Jews of Lebanon
- Replies: 13
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