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by rotor
Thu Jul 06, 2017 12:40 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Had to Pull My Gun Today!
Replies: 48
Views: 25872

Re: Had to Pull My Gun Today!

mayor wrote:
rotor wrote:You are very brave to have handled it like you did. I don't care what anyone says about "friendly" pit bulls, they were bred to fight and kill. I would have shot them if the owner didn't come out right away to retrieve them. My neighbor was badly mauled by a pit during her daily walk. ... /439292520 take it with a grain of salt, I have one and she is very gentle. my 3 year old great niece plays with her.

That being said, I wouldn't have had a standoff for 10 minutes, either and if my dog was that aggressive toward someone, i wouldn't be upset if she wound up dead. That's the main reason I carry my 380 when i go for walks.
Old post. The article says that 65% of fatal dog attacks are caused by pit bulls. That pretty much proves my point. The fact that there are many gentle pit bulls out there is not questioned. These would be considered "defective" dogs as they are not following the genetics of the breed. Border collies that don't herd, Beagles that can't hunt, gun dogs that are gun shy. They may make great pets but they are not exhibiting the nature of what the breed was developed for.
by rotor
Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:26 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Had to Pull My Gun Today!
Replies: 48
Views: 25872

Re: Had to Pull My Gun Today!

ajwakeboarder wrote:
Dave09 wrote:Gotta say you had a lot my restraint then i would have.

Ive been charged by a pitbull myself a couple years back and they are definitely not friendly.
It really depends on how the dogs are raised. I'm a meter reader and I love dogs. I read hundreds of houses with pit bulls. There is only one that i've ever had a problem with. Most are standoffish, and a few are friendly. I walked into a yard last week and there was one at the gate. She tried to lick me to death. Really, the only times i've ever been bitten were by small dogs.
This is very true. I was a meter reader once too, 55 years ago, and each dog is different. On one of my routes I would drive my company car to one specific address, open the gate and put the dog in my car, drive to the start of the route and let the dog out. He would accompany me on the entire route, run interference on all of the bad dogs and at the end of the route I would drive him back to his home. This occured every month and the dog just lived for this event. In those days all of the reads were done in a paper book with a metal cover and if a dog tried to bite you just jammed the book in his mouth and beat him over the head with your flashlight. Each address had a code to let you know where the meter was and if there was a dog, XXRF meant meter at right front of house, bad dog. XLF meant meter at left front, dog. All of the meter readers knew how to pick up our guardian dog and drive him to the start of the route. Nobody in those days had pit bulls though but lots of Dobermans.
by rotor
Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:24 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Had to Pull My Gun Today!
Replies: 48
Views: 25872

Re: Had to Pull My Gun Today!

C-dub wrote:That's great news. Now, if only we can get that bull off the other member's property.
Please. Come and get him.
by rotor
Sun Oct 16, 2016 11:06 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Had to Pull My Gun Today!
Replies: 48
Views: 25872

Re: Had to Pull My Gun Today!

You are very brave to have handled it like you did. I don't care what anyone says about "friendly" pit bulls, they were bred to fight and kill. I would have shot them if the owner didn't come out right away to retrieve them. My neighbor was badly mauled by a pit during her daily walk.

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