I use the term junkie to mean drug addict. You think "drug addict" makes him more human- fine. I think people become addicts because we are human, we have vices, failings, etc. We are not perfect.WildBill wrote:I think that Philip Hoffman's death was sad, unnecessary and avoidable. Most drug overdoses are not publicized unless the deceased is a public figure. My biggest issue is when the press or fans try to promote the notion just because the person was famous or talented that the death was glamorous and they are deserving of some kind of cult status or hero worship. On the other hand, calling someone a junkie does the opposite by trying to portray them as less than human.
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- Mon Feb 03, 2014 12:23 pm
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- Topic: Another Hollywood drug OD
- Replies: 49
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Re: Another Hollywood drug OD
- Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:22 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Another Hollywood drug OD
- Replies: 49
- Views: 4562
Re: Another Hollywood drug OD
The CDC says 100 people die of a drug overdose every day and 3/4 of these are prescription drug overdoses, not a junky with a needle in his arm. We care more about this case because we identify with him. We have seen him on the silver screen. Nobody cares about the other 99 that died yesterday. He made his choices and paid the penalty for bad choices. Let him rest in peace. We will never "win" a war on drugs. There will always be people who will abuse them. Laws don't change human nature.