I dunno if I did mine right or not, but I am not sure it mattered.
Had a bounced check to the DPS for car registration bounce, forgot about it, ended up with a warrant. I went to the court, paid it, was told to to a "No Cost Bond", and given deferred adjudication. This would have been in summer 2009. As far as I can tell, it is a class C misdemeanor, so it shouldn't affect me either way.
In 2002 I was caught stealing gift cards from CompUSA in California. Pled no contest to petty theft under $500, was given a fine, paid restitution, etc and given summary probation for 3 or 5 years (I can't recall). I've been told it is eligible for expungement, but also been advised it's not necessarily worth the cost since most agencies can see it anyway (plus its been 10 years).
I don't have any paperwork on anything, and I didn't see where it asked me to submit any. Do I need to attempt to gather any paperwork, or is listing it on the application enough? Also, In San Diego County (where I was arrested), the court clerk's website states that misdemeanor records are destroyed after 5 years, so I'm not sure what there is to find anyway.
Also, I wasn't certain of the dates, so I put on both "The date provided are to the best of my memory. Any error is unintentional." I know when I did my background for my security clearance in 2008, the CA thing wasn't a problem, so I can't imagine it mattering for my TxCHL.
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- by DJFriar
- Wed Jan 30, 2013 5:31 am
- Forum: New to CHL?
- Topic: Expunged Records
- Replies: 37
- Views: 17265
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