Tamie wrote:CWOOD wrote:I suggest we take a page from our conflict resolution training and address the issue on an ADULT-ADULT basis and simply agree to disagree on this particular issue.
I agree, as long as we can be adult and not oppose people who mobilize votes against any legislators who think public officials should get the big slice of the pie (HB 1463) while the voters and taxpayers settle for crumbs in the parking lot.
On the other hand, if the bill is left pending in committee, it sounds like he's listening to our concerns. Whether or not he changed his mind, we should give him the benefit of the doubt.
Looking at statistics, the truth is politicians are not in any greater danger than students who take night classes or waitresses who work closing shift at a bar.
Crumbs? CRUMBS?
Sir, surely you jest. Passage of the parking lot bill would be of tremendous benefit to potentially hundreds of thousands of our fellow Texans, both CHLers and MPA citizens. I would not characterize that as "crumbs" since many have worked, and are working, so hard to achieve it and so many of us have waited and hoped a long time for it. If it were only "crumbs", why in heaven's name are we even bothering with it?
While I can certainly appreciate your oh so clever use of sarcasm, nowhere did I even hint that I wanted anyone to "not oppose people who mobilize votes against any legislators who think public officials should get the big slice of the pie (HB 1463) while the voters and taxpayers settle for crumbs in the parking lot."
Obviously my ADULT-ADULT proposal was not your cup of tea. That is fine.
On a very practical level I AM suggesting that if we vote out ANY legislator who fails to agree with us on EVERY item, then all that would be left would be legislators who agree with us on almost nothing. Then we would not even have to worry about "crumbs" because there certainly would not be any.
Express your displeasure. Do so emphatically. One can do this and still be polite and still recognize and appreciate other work done on our behalf.