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Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:26 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Would it be legal to shoot this guy in the back?
Replies: 21
Views: 2862

Re: Would it be legal to shoot this guy in the back?

One thing to point out is that IF the use of deadly force is justified, the law is silent on WHERE you shot placement should be focused. If you can legally shoot, you can aim anywhere, back, front, toe, groin, or head. Just wanted to mention that since it had not been addressed fully and it was in the title of the original post.

That having been said, of course, the BIG question is IF you are legally justified.

Many fine points have been made. I agree that this has been a good discussion and it is helpful to consider such things BEFORE the event occurs. The fact is that each situation must be judged in the moment with the facts at hand at the time...but the legal evaluation will take place at painful length as police, prosectors, judges, juries, press, etc., will discuss your split second decison over a period of perhaps months.

Personally, I would probably NOT have intervened unless or until the robber made a move that indicated a general threat to ME or an immediate threat to another.

Thanks to the interesting, thoughtful and courteous discussion.

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