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by Wodathunkit
Sun May 12, 2013 8:54 am
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: Anybody else order a Crossbreed holster lately?
Replies: 93
Views: 21054

Re: Anybody else order a Crossbreed holster lately?

My wife's holster (and my new belt) were shipped on Monday and we got them on Wednesday. I talked to the Crossbreed folks at the convention. Nice people. They have 70 employees, around 40 of those handle production. They want to grow but are shop limited. They are growing through growing pains trying to decide if they want to move to a new facility and "get bigger" .
by Wodathunkit
Mon Apr 29, 2013 12:24 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: Anybody else order a Crossbreed holster lately?
Replies: 93
Views: 21054

Re: Anybody else order a Crossbreed holster lately?

RX8er wrote:
Wodathunkit wrote:We ordered my wife a holster and a belt on 2-23, got an email this morning saying they are processing orders this week from 2-15. They expect it to ship next week.

Via an email they sent me, they have been blessed with an abundance of orders. They also are off on the weekends. Small price to pay to help a truly good American company. :cheers2:

I ordered mine on March 4th and I am expecting mine to ship late next week, hopefully. I'll be interested to see when yours ships.
Me too!
by Wodathunkit
Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:39 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: Anybody else order a Crossbreed holster lately?
Replies: 93
Views: 21054

Re: Anybody else order a Crossbreed holster lately?

We ordered my wife a holster and a belt on 2-23, got an email this morning saying they are processing orders this week from 2-15. They expect it to ship next week.

Via an email they sent me, they have been blessed with an abundance of orders. They also are off on the weekends. Small price to pay to help a truly good American company. :cheers2:

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