Paladin wrote:I took my class at Marksman, in S. Houston. I'd definitly go back there for renewal.
Does Al Trug have some kind of inside joke about 'cutting a finger off'? Last time I saw his CHL class on the range he told his students if they didn't follow the rules while on the firing line he'd "cut their finger off" I hope he was joking, because to people not in the class (especially the 3 inexperienced shooters I was taking to the range that day) it didn't sound good at all.
When I took my class in December, as we were standing at the line waiting to shoot, Al made reference to removing your finger from the trigger until he gave the signal to shoot. We were already focusing on our targets with guns at the ready but had not been signaled to fire. He repeatedly asked people to take their fingers off the triggers and when Knuckleheads (myself included) did not comply, he suggested removing the finger himself. I was chagrinned but not offended, it was my error and his range. I enjoyed his class, found him entertaining and informative but he was making a point.
If the previous poster was one of the fellows in my class, their inexperience handling their weapons in the classroom made me much more nervous. I know the guns were not loaded but I've never seen guns handled so loosely. I go with the philosphy that you treat every gun as if were loaded, so when one gets pointed at me, even in just moving it around it makes me nervous. Especially when the people just bought their first guns and aren't real familiar with them. I was way more worried about them on the range than I was about Al or his comments.