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by Ericstac
Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:43 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10087

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

K.Mooneyham wrote:
Ericstac wrote:^^ I'm guilty of that. My kids play games, then say how cool such and such guns are, just like mine.. Then for Xmas they get 1911s and AR15s.... In the form of Airsoft though.
Ericstac, just wanted to let you know I'm just offering my own guess as that is all we get now, guesses. My theory is neither more or less valid than yours since we can't prove anything about it. The overall truth, though, is that there are already a lot of laws on the books that aren't being enforced, or are done in a slap-dash manner. And like I said, the biggest problems I have with the mess surrounding this entire thing I place square on the shoulders of these so-called journalists who are blatantly agenda-driven and really don't care about the safety of kids, just about getting control of firearms in this nation as part of their ideology.

Oh, I know. I wasn't trying to be rude or anything. Sorry if I came across as a...donkey. :patriot:
by Ericstac
Sun Feb 03, 2013 11:15 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10087

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

^^ I'm guilty of that. My kids play games, then say how cool such and such guns are, just like mine.. Then for Xmas they get 1911s and AR15s.... In the form of Airsoft though.
by Ericstac
Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:51 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10087

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting" onclick=";return false;

Department of Emergency Services &
Public Protection
Connecticut State Police
Public Information Office
1111 Country Club Road
Middletown, Connecticut 06457

Reuben Bradford
Commissioner Colonel Danny R. Stebbins
Deputy Commissioner
Division of State Police
January 18, 2013

** UPDATE **


In previous press conferences, the Connecticut State Police clearly identified all of the weapons seized from the crime scene at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

To eliminate any confusion or misinformation, we will again describe and identify the weapons seized at the school crime scene.

Seized inside the school:
#1. Bushmaster .223 caliber-- model XM15-E2S rifle with high capacity 30 round magazine
#2. Glock 10 mm handgun
#3. Sig-Sauer P226 9mm handgun

Seized from suspect’s car in parking lot:
#4. Izhmash Canta-12 12 gauge Shotgun (seized from car in parking lot)

So back to my question, mom had a bushy, glock, sig AND an Izzy??? Yeah right. Where did he get them guns.
by Ericstac
Wed Jan 23, 2013 8:12 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10087

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

Where did he get the "bushmaster" saiga?

Seems a bit odd his mom had a saiga semi auto shotgun.. Not the typical buy for anyone, let alone an older lady. :???:
by Ericstac
Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:01 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10087

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

^^ I'm not one of those tinfoil hat types of people and I use laughter to hide my pain and sorrow and would never think twice about someone doing the same.. BUT, I would never clear myself of the laughter and put myself back into mourning mode before speaking. That is what is just not right.. He was obviously coaching his body back to a sad dad before he did his speech and that makes him look fake.
by Ericstac
Tue Jan 15, 2013 6:16 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10087

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

I'm very surprised at all the Internet website and Facebook timeing errors. It was website and website after Facebook page of eroored timing..

Al gore needs to fix those issues..

Then the homeland security and FEMA thing got me as well.

The entire Parker case, not the smiling but the photos and Facebook page are crazy, plus the old actor guy with the six kids....

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