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by garodrig1
Tue Aug 26, 2014 4:16 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Starting Police Academy
Replies: 122
Views: 30416

Re: Starting Police Academy

I am curious to see how things turned out for the op.
I have tested and got my TCOLE and now am looking for a position. Probably campus pd, exciting times!
by garodrig1
Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:22 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Starting Police Academy
Replies: 122
Views: 30416

Re: Starting Police Academy

Thanks again Nightmare!
by garodrig1
Tue Jul 29, 2014 4:52 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Starting Police Academy
Replies: 122
Views: 30416

Re: Starting Police Academy

sbrawley wrote:
1s1k52 wrote:
nightmare69 wrote:Any updates?
The academy itself is going great i believe. I am losing a lot of weight. We have a test every Monday, fail 3 and your out. I just passed one today. Next Monday will be a doozy. I havent been online much my computer power cord bit the dust and I never feel like getting on my wife's laptop. We have done a lot of PT in the past week so I am still pretty sore from all the hands on stuff and running 4 miles a day. Looking into getting my old job back for financial reasons and insurance purposes. I still give a 110 percent daily, but if I can go back to work where I was I am gone. More of a need than a want really so.

The academy Dallas provides and all the instructors are awesome. I would easily recommend it to anyone. My choice to leave, or look into leaving rather, is for personal needs not a reflection of the department or staff. Not really sure what to up date on. Anyone can ask me any questions they want. That will be a lot easier to be honest. We haven't gone to the range yet. Everything has been hands on tactics and classroom stuff. Currently on penal code. I am a horrible test taker. Case in point I studied all last week, the weekend, and woke up 2 hours early today and still only made a 76. When reviewing with another recruit I was knocking it out quick. I get tripped up in some of the wording and go back and change answers sometimes. Which may help or hurt depending the question. We are in or academy uniforms now. bought my Bates boots for around 130.00 last week at Academy in case I need to take them back. Shining boots is no bueno. Anyone got anything they want to ask?
That's how TCOLE works. The jailer tests are the same way. Some of those questions made no sense.
Can you give an example of how the wording is changed up?
Reason I ask is because I will take the TCOLE test in August.
The study questions in my classes are pretty straightforward. Its more like you either know the answer or not.
I want to know how to better prepare myself.

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