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by srothstein
Sat Apr 21, 2018 10:52 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA
Replies: 121
Views: 40627

Re: Austin based Yeti quits doing business with NRA

I think this is a particularly egregious case of anti-gun bias. As a result I will never buy ANY yeti products and will spread the word asking others not to also.

I did not like when the car rental companies separated from the NRA. That was stupid but was an agreement that gave a discount to NRA members. That is effectively subsidizing us a little, though it is a marketing tactic also. Credit card company did the same and I was similarly peeved by them.

But this was not a discount program. It was not a donation program. As far as I can tell from the TSRA letter, this was a refusal to sell a product at market price because the customer was the NRA Foundation. They have that right, but it is blatant anti-gun discrimination and, IMO, is as wrong as can be.

I never cared for Yeti's habit of suing companies for making a vacuum based cup and claiming it was an infringement if the base was narrowed to fit a cup holder like a Yeti is. I never cared for the price point either. But I kept my opinion to myself on them because it wasn't something I saw as an attack on my rights. This is an attack and I will defend myself. I hope all sportsmen stop buying anything Yeti and see who else needs all of these super-duper coolers. And I am not recommending forgiveness when they realize the mistake and come back to us. This is permanent for me.

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