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by srothstein
Thu Sep 03, 2015 11:25 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: List of counties with more voters than residents...
Replies: 10
Views: 2628

Re: List of counties with more voters than residents...

It is not an accurate statement and is misleading and was released this way for political reasons. The website says it is the number of registered voters, not the number of voters. These numbers are nowhere near each other, especially in states where the registration is kept active without renewal. Texas law requires the registration be kept active for at least two years after the initial registration or last vote placed.

It also does not say how they got the population and where. If they used the only close to accurate place, the last census was done five years ago and is no longer an accurate statement of who is still alive or living in any county. I am always wary when the sources of the data are not released.

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