Every time I see someone saying this, it bothers me. It indicates that you do not understand the purpose of the fingerprints. I am not supporting or opposing the use of fingerprints or the need for them, but explaining why reusing them is not possible.CleverNickname wrote:I don't particularly agree with them doing that, but if they're able to reuse driver's license photos for CHL's they should be able to reuse fingerprints for CHL's.
The purpose of fingerprints for a license are to verify that you are indeed the person who the license is intended fro (the name and prints should match). If DPS was to allow someone to get a new license without being fingerprinted, it would set up identity theft with me getting your name on my new CHL. This is true whether the license is you CHL, DL, Engineer, appraiser, police, or security guard license. This also is why new prints are not really necessary for renewals. The assumption is that the person has already been verified.
And yes, this system is based on the assumption that the first time you get fingerprinted, you are telling the truth about your identity. The fingerprints will forever be tied to that name. I have had at least one case where the first time a suspect had been arrested, he used an alias. when I arrested him, he kept trying to tell me it was an alias and give me his real name. The real name was listed as an alias on his records, so it did not matter to me.