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by srothstein
Tue Apr 24, 2007 9:27 pm
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Military Exemption
Replies: 28
Views: 22887

Right2Carry wrote:I can only speak for the NAVY, but when I went through boot camp (89) every single person had to shoot a handgun, a .45 chambered for .22, lol. Now I would suspect that all other bootcamps are the same across the military. I believe everyone gets exposed to guns in boot camp, and then after boot camp depending upon your job function some may never touch a gun again while others may be around them dailly.
Well, I have to sort of agree and sort of disagree with this part. In the Army, everyone enlisted gets exposed to fireamrs and has to qualify with the M-16/M4 or whatever is the current version. They do not all get exposed to handguns, and most never see them. The only people the army teaches handgun use to is the people who they expect to be issued one (MP's, Officers, etc. - I am not sure about tankers anymore).

And I will give the Amry credit for being able to teach people to shoot a rifle. They got my daughter qualified and she would not go shooting with me because she wasn't interested in guns.

But as pointed out, they teach nothing about the law, which could be a requirement. I rpefer the other proposed alternative. Make it easier (read cheaper) for them to get a CHL after they go through a regular CHL class and qualification.

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