This is an injury to a child or elderly person, when the person charged is an owner, operator, or emplyee of a group or nursing home. The last part of the title is whether the injury was caused by reckless behavior or by negligent behavior. The difference is how much care should have been exercised by the suspect.sjfcontrol wrote:What kind of crime is "Group Homes & Nursing Homes"?
Trafficking is human slavery, especially as pertains to the sex trade. It is a new form of crime for compelling a person to be a prostitute, including moving that person to a location or providing a shelter to the person. The law does not mention the sex trade explicitly, though that was the driving factor, and has been used for those who smuggle illegal immigrants in and use them as household slaves.What is "Trafficking"? (in what?)
Yes, this does still go on in the US.
If you mean the tampering with a consumer product, this is the people who poison something and put it back out on the shelf to be sold. A few years back, there was a spate of drugs being modified and poisons put in other household products, then the package being put on the shelf to be sold. This law was the response, as was the tamper proof packaging we see a lot of now (seals on jars, etc.).What is "Tampering"? (with what?)