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by srothstein
Mon May 22, 2023 9:23 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: NC: A bit of a black eye for us
Replies: 10
Views: 5845

Re: NC: A bit of a black eye for us

My bet would be that he dropped it and reached for it, pulling the trigger without fully knowing it (he was intoxicated according to the article). The person hit in the leg would be the primary victim with the pistol angle down and held horizontally as he grabbed it. The person hit in the neck either got hit by a bullet fragment after the round hit the ground, or more likely in my opinion, hit by a cement chip dug out of the floor by the bullet.

While I understand it is possible, I have never seen a reliable report of a dropped 1911 going off without the carrier grabbing at it. It would require the pistol to be carried with a round in the chamber and the hammer down, along with it being an old model, as already described. But then it would also require the pistol to fall in a very narrow angle where the hammer hit the floor in such a way as to drive it forward into the firing pin. The pistol would have to be almost straight from side to side and tilted so the beavertail would not get hit before the hammer did while also not being tilted so far forward the the top edge of the slide would not get hit. That angle would leave the bullet going upwards where I doubt it could hit anyone's leg without it being at that table or maybe the next one over. And then I don't see how it would hit someone in the neck also.

And it could have happened just as it was reported. I doubt it but strange thinks do happen from time to time.

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