The more I think on this, the more convinced I am that many Democrats are not doing this because they cave power (a motive I at least understand). I am becoming more convinced they are doing this to deliberately try to kick off a revolution and break up the United States. I know the hatred many of them have for our country (I don't understand it but I know it exists), and Occam's razor is leading more and more to think this is their goal.
One of the problem's many people have, and I know I do, is that we cannot understand a goal or motive that is so foreign to our way of thinking. But I am becoming convinced of it. Perhaps one of the best explanations of this is because the success of the US points out the weaknesses of their preferred systems. I may not say it right, but someone else said that the reason so many people hate the ones who don't like masks is not because of fear of COVID. It is because our attitude of not being afraid shows up their surrender to authority and lack of thinking. Maybe that comparison also applies on a larger scale to their motive for tearing apart the US.