For the area served by ERCOT, mine were about the average I would say. Luling is a municipal utility, so we are not deregulated to have choice of provider. The wholesaler to the city is Bluebonnet Co-op, so no one in our area is deregulated. Our power was out for about 5 or 6 hours on Sunday, then for 15 minutes at a time, about once every three hours, from Monday through Wednesday. Those were the rolling blackouts.
Bad news was we lost water on Wednesday at about 9:00 a.m. City says that there were so many leaks in lines that all three water towers in the city emptied before they could get it all shut off. They spent three days 24 hours each trying to repair leaks and even brought in contractors to help on Thursday. The water came back on at about 1:30 p.m. Friday. Then at about 3:30. I got a notice saying that the apartment was trying to fix leaks and only had water to three of the buildings but were working on the rest. I was in one of the lucky three. But now I don't know whether to blame the city or the apartment complex for being without water. I am leaning towards both.