I dissagree with your agreement of Txi's disagreement...shaggydog wrote:I agree with your "disagree"txinvestigator wrote:Completely disagree.MoJo wrote:There are two kinds of gun owners those who have had an AD/ND and those who are going to.
I believe that type of "fatalist" notion inherently, intentionally or not, leads to a "well it's gonna happen to me some day" mindset and thus promotes, again intentionally or not, a lowering of standards and expectations. I prefer to tell myself that if I religiously follow all of the prescribed safety precautions and not, under any circumstances, deviate from my adherance to them then I will not have an, as the gubment is wont to call it, incident.
Now, does this mean that it can't happen to me? No. It simply means that I refuse to think that it is a given that it will.
I do not believe it is fatalistic, nor would an acceptance of the odds of it happening encourage or somewhat instill some lowering of personal safety procedures that could make the odds of it happening greater...
We see what happens to someone else here, and we talk about it, console, do a personal gut-check and move on...
Lets make a deal here...If something like this happens to a member of this forum...Lets accept the fact, lets reveal it to everyone, discuss it, learn from it and move on...
I promise no matter how bad it is, if it happens to me, I'll be open and let everyone take a crack at where I may have made a mistake...I would want everyone to learn from it so that it might not happen to someone else...
Thats as brutally honest as I can be...Thats not hoping it happens, its not fatalistic, if anything I believe it makes you think twice and then some before you do something with a firearm...