Of course it is a bit suspicious to evade a "narcotics checkpoint" in the manner to which the deceased did...
I'm still scratching my head on the whole interdiction checkpoint deal...
I've heard and seen the DWI checkpoints before...But never one set up to randomly interdict drug traffic-kers...
I can imagine how I'd set something like that up, but I don't think I'd be on the job too long with those methods...
Can't profile, nor can you have any pre-conceived opinion on what a drug traffic-ker looks like...
So again, how effective is this system of interdiction, if you don't base it on tangible intelligence or profiling???
I'm just curious, I am not and have never been into drugs at all in my life...I have a pretty good idea what is involved from observing others who are effected by this problem...So how does a checkpoint like this work???
Does everyone get stopped momentarily to be questioned??? Or is it one where they sit on the side of the road, and go, "Lets go get that guy in the black Navigator with the chrome rims..."
I think the bottom line to the story here is that they got lucky and landed a guy who obviously had a few issues...And not for the reason they were out there in the first place...
Honestly, I am not being sarcastic or trying to be a pain to anyone in particular, but I think this could be a good thing to learn something from...
If I roll up on one of these, it sure would be in my best interest to follow the law and inform them of my licensed status...Anything after that would require a warrant...I respectfully decline to concent to search, and at that time I would ask if I can go...Its a hard thing to do for everyone involved, but I can take the ride better than some others...
I dunno, maybe this just hit my rebellious side a bit hard this morning...
I'll be better a little later today...