How dare you have no mud flaps! What were you thinking!phddan wrote:'And notice what Dan said about it when he did notify...(Didn't bat an eye)
I find that to be the norm these days from Law Enforcement...And thats ok...'
Well, to be fair, so far its 50/50. Had a dps officer pull me over for no mud flaps. After I showed him the licenses, he asked where it was at, and I told him between the seat and console. He ordered me out of the truck, and to stand in front of his car. He took my hk and emptied it into the seat, and I mean unloaded the whole mag, and left it locked back.
After I got a lecture about mud flaps, he instructed me not to get in my vehicle until he pulls away.
Yeah, he was arrogant, cocky, and had no personality, but he was young and full of himself. But I only got a verbal warning, probably because of my cool demeanor, and likable personality.
Don't get back in your vehicle till after he leaves???
I love that one...