I'm not sure what those white specs are...It may be a chemical reaction between the two products that when they interact may develop these "specks"...
Are they more like smears, or are they tangeble like small "globs" of product...
You say they can be removed by scrapping them off with a tool???
But they only appear after you wipe the gun with a towel...Is that towel a deep ply bathroom towel, or is it more like a lesser "lint" producing "dish" type towel???
I'm thinking somethings coming off the towel maybe...Like fabric softener residue...But then again you shouldn't use fabric softener on towels anyway...But thats just me...Actually the wife got onto me about that...
If its a towel that is washed in the clotheswasher, then maybe somethings happening with the detergent "residues" left on the "clean" towel that maybe reacting to the products you are using on the gun...
I'm a little weak on the chemistry involved with all of the combinations of things you are using in this process...
But its sounding like to me thats whats happening...My first reaction would be that if you are able to clean it all off, and still get the firearm to a condition where you are happy with its function after cleaning...
I'd be happy with the process you have...
There may be a chemist amoung us who could take what you say, and tell me I'm full of it...
And come up with some sort of explanation why you get those smears or globs of stuff on your guns...
I do recall a discussion a few years ago on PDO about a product called "Dunk It", I heard a lot of pros and cons with that resusable bucket full of this CLP kinda stuff...You just dunked the gun whole, and not dissasembled (if you prefer) and pull it out after a period of time, wipe it down, and voila...Clean gun...
I didn't like the concept, because it produced lazyness in keeping people from getting too dirty when cleaning a piece of hardware...Plus there's no guarantee that all the internal nooks and crannies inside the firearm got cleared out of all the gook the "Dunk It" loosened and thus get wiped or blown out afterwards...
But then again, I don't know who all here does or doesn't use that product, and how well know it is...
I do have another idea for a Texas CHL Forum seminar...
A basic armorers or firearm maintenance class...
Keeping the focus on basic maintenance principles, and not so much on cleaning or lubricating products...
Just an idea...